Installing IonCube in Lighttpd integration)
Some we need to protect pages developed in the PHP , Its not an issue if PHP is hosted on remote server,but if the on embedded device
or where PHP pages can be accessed that one of the tool ioncube can protect pages written using the PHP programming language from being viewed,
changed, and run on unlicensed computers.
It requires two module encoder and decoder (loader)
1. Encoder download trial version from
After installation encode the php files
New Project-Select Source and Target Folder start conversion.
2. Place the encoded files in /var/lib/asterisk/static-http/config/
Needs library ( to be loaded to decode encoded files
X= version of php
i.e PHP 5.2 or PHP 5.3
1. Download Decoder (loader)
Download the freely available decoders from this url (Linux X86)
2. Copy to asterisk machine
Extract the file / and copy from it and place in asterisk machine
eg in
3. Locate the path of php.ini using phpinfo(); function
2. In Asterisknow 1.0.2 It is /usr/local/lib
3. If no php.ini file present in /usr/loca/lib create a file and
Add following line in it
Restart Lighttpd
Service gui-lighttpd restart
In case of issues please use the file ioncube-loader-helper.php present in