Sunday, December 21, 2014

Computers Basics usage Question

Lets See how much you know basics of Computers..
Following are the question/task i guess every one should know or
should be able to do.( At least an engineer should know)

1.Search and install new fonts?
2.Open font files and see what it contains?
3.formats of font files?
4.what is difference between sleep and hibernate?
5.what is hiberfile.sys and locate it ?
6.what is pagefile.sys ?what is the purpose of it ?where it is located ?
7.why cant you delete it ?change the file size of pagefile.sys?
8.what is icon , how can u change icon of existing application?please do it ?
9. make an icon and change it for any application?
10.How to record voice in computer? to open cmd promot?
12. get familiar with cd,mkdir,del , ping , date,tree commands in windows.? can you close application without alt+f4 or mouse?
14.In taskbar , what does cpu usage means, why it shows 4 graph?
15.What is cache in cpu and where it is located?what if u disable it?
16.what is bios ?change boot sequence in bios?change time in bios?
17.what is shortcut ?can change path of existing shortcut?
18.what is recycle bin ?is it folder or different partition? it possible to recover files deleted from recycle bin ?if yes
please recover one deleted file? same file in bmp and in jpg?which is bigger in size?why?
21.if your .mp3 files plays using media player make it always open using vlc or vice-versa?
22.if you not done this using registry?try using that?use regedit command.
23.create a hello world program - copy exe file and make setup of it?
   search how to create your own setup file?
24.what is an iso file?what's the use of it?
25.try to add a virtual cdrom to computer and mount iso file in it?
26.what is disk defragmentation?why the use?
27.what are these fat32/ntfs/ext2?
28.what is PCI slot?
29.what is IDE/PATA and what is SATA?
30.what different size if hard drive you have used?tell me the size in inch?
31.can you type on screen without using keyboard?if yes type few lines?
32.what do mean by resolution ?change the resolution of your screen? much size it will take to save 300x400 bmp file?
34.basic use of Excel?
35.Basic use Word?
36.How to make PowerPoint presentation? will you hide a file ?( its not visible)
28.can you see the desktop screen of another user on desktop?
with internet and inside LAN?
29.what are different types of compression?and compressing tools?
try few and see compression ratio?
30.compress a jpg file and a bmp file ?see the compression ratio?

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